Stepping Outside

Making this website, and the social media platforms to go along with it, gives me anxiety. I’ve always wanted to write and edit. Even in high school, there was a friend who would let me edit her papers before she handed them in. She would have been excited for me in this endeavor, but she passed away in 2014.

My topics of writing will vary. There will be a link on this page to take you to some of my college papers. I found some of my chosen subjects only had papers written on those paid sites–the ones that want you to buy their essay, which I didn’t. I’ll probably have some photography thrown in here and there as well, since that is my other passion. I lost my house in a fire in 2010 and the only thing I cared about (since my boys and I were safe) were my pictures. A lot of them were taken before the days of digital media. Of course subjects that are near and dear to my heart include my boys, adoption, friendships, Christianity, surviving abuse, and single parenting.

My main goal is to spread more positivity. There is so much negativity in the world, that it can be emotionally and spiritually exhausting.

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